Funding for Clare retailers to enhance online business
Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey is encouraging local retail business owners to apply for a new round of funding to expand their online offering and presence to customers. He was speaking after Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Damien English announced retailers who have been approved for funding under the Online Retail […]

Reasonable solution to turf cutting restrictions
NEW regulations to protect traditional turf cutting practices and allow those who cut, share and sell turf to continue to do so, have been described by Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey as a reasonable solution to a problem that has major implications for rural communities. “I fully recognise the effect of poor air quality […]

Funding to help refurbish vacant Clare properties
A new Government fund that will support bringing vacant buildings in Clare towns and villages back into residential use, has been described by Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey as a major boost to revitalising local communities “The €50 million Croí Cónaithe fund will be crucial to bringing vacant and underused buildings back into residential […]

Reforms will support Clare Community Employment Schemes
Major reforms to Community Employment, Tús and the Rural Social Scheme will extend eligibility criteria for participants and provide additional flexibility to local supervisors when it comes to recruitment. That’s according to Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey who said that community employment schemes support a range of vital local services in Clare such as […]

Local groups urged to apply for community centre funding
CLARE Fine Gael TD Joe Carey is encouraging local community groups to apply for a new round of funding for the upgrade and refurbishment of community centres. “The fund will provide grants of between €10,000 and €300,000 for capital works such as improvements to communal facilities including kitchen and toilet facilities, energy retrofitting, new windows, […]

Funding for 12 Clare groups to support refugee integration
A TOTAL allocation of €52,585 to 12 Clare projects from the Communities Integration Fund will help local communities reconnect and celebrate the rich cultural diversity in our society. That’s according to Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey who said that the funding is one of a number of initiatives to support the integration of migrant […]