Funding for Doolin school extension
This week’s confirmation of Department of Education funding for an extension at Doolin National School will help secure the future of primary education in the area, according to Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey.

€47,000 for Clare sport and physical activity projects
A €47,000 allocation to the Clare Local Sports Partnership will benefit a wide range of sport and physical activities throughout the county, Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey has said.

Home Building Finance Act could help resolve Bru Na Sionna defects
The enactment of the Home Building Finance Act could help resolve issues that have arisen in housing developments like Bru Na Sionna in Shannon where home owners have been told to pay for remedial work on fire safety defects or face court action.

Enterprise funding to help job creation
Almost €5 million has been allocated to four projects that will have a significant effect on job creation and social development initiatives in Clare over the coming years, according to Fine Gael TD Joe Carey.

€60,000 funding for Clare heritage projects
Clare is set to receive up to €60,000 in funding for the conservation and repair of protected structures across the county, Fine Gael TD Joe Carey has confirmed.

Clare will benefit from permanent flood relief scheme
A new permanent flood relief scheme will be of great support to businesses and community groups in Clare, according to Fine Gael TD Joe Carey.