Clare farmers will benefit from Japanese sheepmeat deal
Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey has welcomed the successful conclusion of talks to allow Irish sheepmeat access the lucrative Japanese market.

Access to Spinraza is life-changing development
Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey has described the approval of access to Spinraza for children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) as a life-changing development for young people affected by the disease.

Extra funding to increase childcare services in Clare
An overall allocation of €114,868 in Government funding to childcare providers in Clare will lead to the creation of additional childcare places in the county.

More Clare people benefitting from medical and GP visit cards
An additional 55 Clare people have benefited from GP cards since new changes came into effect in April, local Fine Gael TD Joe Carey has confirmed.

€260,000 in equipment grants for Clare clubs
Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey has confirmed that €261,032 has been allocated to eleven Clare projects in the latest round of Sports Capital Equipment Grants.

14,700 more at work in Mid West since launch of jobs plan
Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey has been told by Jobs Minister Heather Humphreys that 14,700 more people were in employment in the Mid-West at the end of 2018 than in 2015 when the Regional Action Plan for Jobs initiative was launched.