Irish Water has provided an update on their progress in addressing the raw sewage being discharged across the county.
Each project is updated below:
Kilrush: Irish Water has acquired the land required and planning permission has been granted for the new wastewater treatment plant in Kilrush. A contractor has now been appointed and works are expected to commence in December 2021.
Clarecastle: Advanced works which involved the construction of 311m of pipeline were completed in February 2021. The construction of the remaining works including a new rising main pipeline and upgrades to the pumping station are expected to commence in 2022.
Liscannor: Works commenced in September 2021 on the new wastewater treatment plant and infrastructure in Liscannor. It is expected that the project will take 18 months to complete. EPS are delivering works on behalf of Irish Water.
Ballyvaughan: Irish Water is progressing the design stage of a project to install a new wastewater treatment plant in Ballyvaughan and end the discharge of raw sewage to the marine environment. We are currently reviewing options previously presented to the public in 2019. We will engage with stakeholders regarding the progress of the project in the coming months.
Kilkee: This project is currently at design stage and Irish Water is planning to submit a planning application to Clare County Council in 2023. Impacted landowners will be notified in the coming weeks and all stakeholders will be updated on the proposed site selection in early 2022. Following completion of site selection and land acquisition, as well as a successful planning stage, Irish Water expects to commence works in 2024. These works are expected to take 12-18 months to complete.