Irish Economic Competitiveness Dail Speech
A Ceann Comharaile, I welcome the opportunity to speak on this Private Members Motion. We have in this chamber over the years paused and taken stock of where we are as an economy and where we want to go. I refer to Taoiseach Sean Lemass and T.K. Whittaker in the 1950’s and their efforts to […]
Justice Dail Speech
A Ceann Comhairle I welcome the opportunity to speak on this Private Members motion and propose to approach it from the point of view of my spokespersons portfolio of Juvenile Justice. There is a growing fear in many communities that the upsurge in opportunistic type crime both against property and the person is reaching epidemic […]
Broadband Dail Speech
I feel that the time has come for this state to actively pursue the issue of Broadband services throughout the country. I listen to the Government proclaim how our economy has changed and how we must position ourselves for the future. The Minister for Enterprise and Employment often speaks of our future as a ‘knowledge […]