10 Mar

Clare Roads in poor state – Dáil Speech

State of Clare roads highlighted in a major speech in Dáil Éireann on the introduction of the Road Traffic Bill, 2009. We know that 72% of road fatalities occur on rural roads, and recent adverse weather has had a serious impact on road quality. Minister Dempsey’s decision to let local authorities fend for themselves when […]

10 Mar

Over 70 premises in ennis remain vacant

In a speech in Dáil Éireann on upward only rent reviews, I’ve highlighted the situation in Ennis with regards vacant commercial space. Seventy premises are currently vacant in the town, owing to the economic downturn. “The CEO of Ennis Chamber of Commerce, Ms. Rita Mc Inenery told me toady, that 70 commercial properties are presently […]

8 Mar

MId-West loses out in run up to London 2012

The Mid-West region has lost out on business in the run up to London 2012. This follows confirmation that no international athletes will base themselves in Ireland in preparation for London 2012. A unique opportunity to market the region has been lost because of government inaction and lack of investment in sports facilities over the […]