29 Mar

Planning & Development Bill 2009

The Minister for the Environment has made much of his reforming measures of Planning Legislation. I believe he is taking the wrong route with his 2009 Act. It is often said that if the Dutch lived in Ireland they would feed the world, while if the Irish lived in the Netherlands they would drown. Anybody […]

29 Mar

Travel Tax

The Fine Gael party last week introduced a motion under Private Members time to abolish the disasterously counterproductive Travel Tax introduced in the Oct 2008 budget. The Government are to stand by this Tax, making them almost unique in Europe in their disadvantaging the possibility of a meaningful recovery of our important Tourism business. The […]

22 Mar

DAA Proposal senseless while Travel Tax remains

There are reports that the DAA is considering charging passengers directly for using Shannon Airport. The proposal would see passengers paying the airport manager directly for using Shannon Airport. It remains to be seen whether or not the proposal would result in cheaper flights from Shannon for passengers, or cheaper flight costs for the airlines […]