Changes in back to school clothing and footwear allowance schemes
This year, there are changes to the application process for back to school clothing and footwear allowances schemes. Those receiving social welfare payments or HSE payments, who have a dependent child, may qualify for the allowance. Persons on certain approved employment training schemes may also qualify for the allowance. The majority of those eligible […]
Appointment as Assistant Government Chief Whip and position on the Committee of Procedures and Privileges
I have been informed by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD that I am to be appointed to the role of Assistant Government Chief Whip and will also serve on the Committee on Procedures and Privileges. I am honoured and delighted to have been chosen by An Taoiseach to fulfill the role of Assistant Government Chief […]
Chance for young Clare entrepreneurs to win research grant
I would encourage Clare Young Entrepreneurs to submit ideas to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs to be in with a chance to win a research grant of €15,000 and a week shadowing top Irish entrepreneur. The Department of Children and Youth Affairs is organising a nationwide campaign offering young people aged 15-22 with […]