17 Nov

Scoil na Mainistreach Quin to receive 8 new classrooms

I warmly welcome confirmation from the Department of Education & Skills that Scoil na Mainistreach in Quin will receive eight additional classrooms. I have worked closely with the school in recent months and years and appealed directly to Minister Ruairi Quinn on behalf of the school. Today, the department of Education & Skills have written […]

10 Nov

Welcome news for County Clare as Crusheen rail stop is included in Capital Spending

Today Government announced that the Crusheen Rail Station has been included in the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Programme 2012-16. Given the straitened financial times, several transport projects have not been included in this current capital spend and have been postponed. We are, like many other countries in Europe, in very difficult and volatile economic times. […]

4 Nov

NAMA open to negotiation on land sales for benefit of community groups

I have been in touch with NAMA after receiving submissions from local groups who were concerned with the sale of NAMA controlled lands in their areas. I think there is huge potential for some of this land could be put to use by the local communities. My understanding is that land which is in the […]