12 Apr

Diary for March

The big issues I worked on for the people of Clare over the past month had to do with capital grants for schools, and opportunities that exist for the Mid-West in tourism. On the schools front, seven Clare schools received funding for both new schools and extensions. Some of these schools have been waiting over […]

30 Mar

Thoughts on the Mahon Tribunal

I delivered the majority of this speech in the Dáil this week: “I welcome this opportunity to speak on the Mahon Tribunal Report. The report confirmed so much of what most people believed – that corruption was rampant throughout our political system from the very highest office in the land down. The poor example given […]

28 Mar

EU Fiscal Compact Treaty set for May 31st

A Yes vote in the upcoming referendum on Ireland’s acceptance of the EU Fiscal Compact Treaty is vital for future economic stability and development. I would urge constituents in County Clare to take the time to consider the implications of a No vote which would cut Ireland adrift economically from the rest of the EU. […]