30 May

Business, hospitality, retail and agri groups back a Yes vote

It is my belief that a Yes vote tomorrow will be a Yes to investment, stability and recovery. It will be a key step on our road to economic recovery, and will be vital as we continue to attract inward investment by helping to bring about the right conditions for growth. Here in County Clare, […]

25 May

New aeromedical pilot service focused on the west

I want to flag the provision of a 12-month pilot project which will see the Air Corps provide dedicated aeromedical support to the HSE National Ambulance Service (NAS). The pilot Emergency Aeromedical Service will have a particular focus on the west of Ireland, and will begin on Monday 4 June. The Air Corps are providing […]

19 May

An Taoiseach visits Loop Head

I was delighted to welcome An Taoiseach Enda Kenny to County Clare yesterday, where he visited Loop Head lighthouse. An Taoiseach’s grandfather, James McGinley,  served as lighthouse keeper at Loop Head in the 1930s. The lighthouse opens to the public from today until September 3rd and is well worth a visit. There are large potential […]