EU must do more to help dairy farmers and stabilise markets
The dairy industry in Ireland is a huge driver in this economy and employs as many people outside the farm gate as it does inside the gate. Farming as an industry sees peaks and troughs and is at the mercy at times of international markets and geo political events. I believe there is a […]
Inclusion of Cliffs of Moher on Lonely Planet top 500 attractions is huge boost for local tourism – Carey
The Lonely Planet is a hugely popular and respected voice among international travellers. The inclusion of the Cliffs of Moher in their global ‘bucket list’ of must see attractions is a fantastic recognition which can only bode well for visitor numbers to our county. The beauty and allure of the Cliffs of Moher […]
July Parliamentary Questions
Parliamentary Question No. 372 To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the amount that has been collected early by Irish Co-operatives in milk super levy moneys from October 2014 to March 2015; his plans for redistributing these moneys, should a farmer now wish to avail of the Instalment Scheme […]