Check your childcare supports
With targeted childcare supports being increased by as much as 50 per cent, Clare parents are being encouraged to find out how they can benefit by logging on to a new information website. Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey said that while there have been over 173,000 page visits to the affordablechildcare.ie website in the […]

Carey calls on United Airlines to retain full Shannon service
Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey has called on the Board of United Airlines to reconsider their decision suspend daily year round flights between New York and Shannon Airport. And he has asked Transport Minister Shane Ross for his support in persuading the directors of the US airline not to go ahead with their […]

Kilkee to benefit from improved broadband
Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey has confirmed a major investment by broadband provider eir that will involve the delivery of fibre to home services (FTTH) in the Kilkee area by the end of next year. And he says that eir has also informed him that a fibre to cabinet (FTCC) high speed service will […]