I have received confirmation from the Minister for the Environment that the Kilfenora Sewerage Scheme and the Quin Sewerage Scheme have been included in the Water Services Investment Programme 2010 – 2013.
I have made cases for the inclusion of the Kilfenora and Quin Sewerage Schemes in the Water Services Investment Programme 2010-2013. I am pleased that both of these schemes have been approved by the Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr. Phil Hogan TD.
The Kilfenora Sewerage Scheme involves the upgrading of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant together with addressing the current treatment and discharge difficulties. This plant has proven problematic in recent times and is located in a very sensitive landscape so this is welcome news.
An upgraded treatment process is proposed for the Quin Wastewater Treatment Plant. Quin has experienced a population explosion over the past number of years which has placed pressure on the wastewater treatment plant. This planned up-grade is good news for the local community and the local environment of Quin.
It’s important that both these schemes can be progressed through to design, preparation of contract documents and tendering as quickly as possible.