Large Marketing Drive Needed at Shannon
Largescale marketing drive now needed as Shannon âis at a crossroadsâ I welcome the fact that Aer Lingus has decided to allow passengers travelling to New York to use the new US Customs and Border Patrol pre-clearance facilities in Shannon. The line we had from the airline in the past year was that it would not avail of […]
MId-West loses out in run up to London 2012
The Mid-West region has lost out on business in the run up to London 2012. This follows confirmation that no international athletes will base themselves in Ireland in preparation for London 2012. A unique opportunity to market the region has been lost because of government inaction and lack of investment in sports facilities over the […]
Private Aircraft business at Shannon a way forward
The extension of pre clearance facilities to private aircraft at Shannon is a huge step forward for the airport and the region as a whole. Today is a groundbreaking good day for Shannon Airport. From today, pre-clearance will apply to US bound private aircraft using Shannon. I believe this development has the potential to bring […]