News: Categories

9 Apr

The Lisbon Treaty

Over the last number of months the issue of The Lisbon Treaty has come more and more to the top of the Political Agenda and we now find ourselves just a number of weeks away from determining our response to it here in Ireland. A lot of the presentation on the ‘No’ side, I am […]

9 Apr

World Trade Talks Agriculture Dail Speech

The American author Mark Twain once advised an audience to “invest in land……. because they’re not making any more of it”. We in Ireland as members of, initially the European Economic Community and latterly the European Union have paid heed to that advice. One of the principle reasons for the establishment of the EEC in […]

3 Mar

Justice Dail Speech

A Ceann Comhairle I welcome the opportunity to speak on this Private Members motion and propose to approach it from the point of view of my spokespersons portfolio of Juvenile Justice. There is a growing fear in many communities that the upsurge in opportunistic type crime both against property and the person is reaching epidemic […]