Funding decision for Tulla Community Council astro turf facility
I want to welcome the announcement which was communicated to me directly from Minister Frances Fitzgerald that funding in excess of €150,000 will be given to the Tulla Community Council. This money will help fund the development of an astro pitch facility, which will in turn benefit several local sporting bodies. It is a great […]
Ex AIB Managing Director should hand back ‘obscene’ payments
I believe ex-AIB Managing Director Colm Doherty should recover some professional dignity and hand the State part or all of the €3 million payment he received prior to and after leaving AIB. These outrageous payments, which were signed off by the last Government, highlight the extent to which the Irish banking system […]

Working to deliver the Ennis Water Augmentation Scheme in full
Over the past weeks I have held talks with Government colleagues in an effort to get the Ennis Water Augmentation scheme funded and delivered in full. For many years I have pressed the case for the scheme having consistently raised the matter in Dáil Éireann with former Minister for Environment John Gormley. The situation remains […]