News: Categories

19 May

Dr Garret Fitzgerald, RIP

                      I want to express my sincere sympathies to the family and friends of the late Garret Fitzgerald. Ireland has today lost a great political leader and intellectual voice. Throughout 1970s and 19080s Dr Fitzgerald played a huge role in Irish politics at a time […]

17 May

Strong Tourism Emphasis in Jobs Initiative

  I want to welcome the Government’s plans to use the Tourism Industry as a key part of the Jobs Initiative Plan announced today. Tourism is a key Industry for our Country and the Mid West & West Coast in particular. The establishment of a dedicated Tourism Marketing Fund, a new temporary second rate of […]

5 May

Suicide Prevention: Dáil Speech: Thursday, 5 May 2011

  I welcome the opportunity to contribute to this important debate. It is encouraging that a debate on suicide prevention is getting priority in the new Dail, with contributions from so many Members in recent weeks. I offer my congratulations to the new Minister of State with special responsibility for mental health, Deputy Kathleen Lynch […]