Hospital group cannot provide vital heart surgery
THE University of Limerick Hospitals Group is unable to provide minimally invasive surgery that would transform the lives of around 40 patients who are not well enough to have open heart valve surgery. The issue has been highlighted by Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey who asked Health Minister Simon Harris to provide the €500,000 […]

Extra funding for childcare
Deputy Joe Carey is encouraging Clare families to check their entitlements to ensure they get the full benefit of increased childcare benefits. “From September, every child aged between 6-months and 3-years in full or part-time registered childcare will get some level of support. There will be no minimum number of hours and no maximum number […]

Clare families to benefit from change in fuel allowance payment
A change in the way fuel allowance is paid to social welfare recipients will enable them to make considerable savings on their heating bills, according to Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey. Deputy Carey, who is a member of the Oireachtas Social Protection committee that proposed the change, said it had the potential to benefit […]