No money to rescue roads, but plenty to bail out banks
There is a crisis now emerging in relation to many roads in County Clare. Roads which required attention long before the extreme weather struck are now left in a terrible condition. For example the main road through Clarecastle and the Kildysart Road Clarecastle require immediate attention. The main Ennis Kilrush/Kilkee road is in a particularly bad […]
Agriculture : Beef & Pigmeat Processing Fund
Due to the dreadful prices being experienced by farmers for their produce over the last number of years relative to input costs I wanted to try and find out how much the middleman is making, in this case the factories. Accounts and Margins are impossible to find, however the fact that qualification for this much […]
Food Retail
Dail Adjournment Debate Feb 18 2010 A Ceann Comharaile I have asked for this adjournment debate in the context of what it is that we have experienced both here in Ireland and indeed internationally in relation to the banking system. I heard today that Barclays bank is to pay €3.1Bn in bonuses on €13Bn profits […]